Namorada de deputado gera polêmica ao dizer que só se apaixona ‘por homens feios’

A modelo Vicky Xipolitakis, de 30 anos, que namora o deputado argentino José Ottavis, de 35 anos, causou polêmica ao dizer que só se apaixona “por homens feios“. A declaração foi feita na TV momentos antes do político anunciar que os dois estão noivos.

A modelo falava do relacionamento com Ottavis, quando foi questionada sobre a altura dele, que é bem mais baixo do que ela. Nesse momento, ela respondeu: “Meus grandes amores sempre foram todos feios”, acrescentando em seguida: “O amor vence o preconceito”.

Pic shows: Vicky Xipolitakis (30), model, and Jose Ottavis (35), partner and politican. A showbiz couple in Argentina have been a hot topic after the popular model announced she has only ever loved ugly men moments after her politician fiancÌ© pronounced their engagement. Model and actress Vicky Xipolitakis, 30, hit the headlines last summer after she filmed herself in the cockpit of a plane during take-off. Both Aerolineas Argentinas (Argentinean Airlines) pilots were sacked after she published the video. Now she has hit the headlines again with her much published relationship with 35-year-old politician Jose Ottavis. Half Greek Xipolitakis who is 1,71 meters (5 feet 7 å1Ú2) is visibly taller than her partner especially when wearing heels. This has triggered a number of jokes from fans across social media who compare Ottavis with a dwarf. The couple recently participated in a local TV show led by host Mirtha Legrand. Jose Ottavis revealed their engagement  before going on set:  He said: "I was invited here because I am in love and I will get married" Xipolitakis talked about their relationship during the show: She said: "I fell in love strongly. He changed my life. I was never in love like this. Love won in front of prejudice" When asked about the jokes regarding her partner‰Ûªs height, she replied:  "My greatest lovers were ugly" (ends)

Apesar de ter ficado sem graça com a resposta da namorada, o deputado seguiu em frente e anunciou o noivado. “Estou aqui porque estou apaixonado e nós iremos nos casar”, disse ele.

Nas rede sociais, a diferença de altura do casal é piada recorrente entre os internautas.

Recentemente, a modelo foi filmada na cabine de um avião, o que levou à demissão dos pilotos, que autorizaram a moça a viajar ali.


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